The Fearless Girl

The Fearless Girl

If people only knew the power women have…

Kristen Visbal brought to the public a visual piece of art to remind us all about the power we have. We may have been considered the weaker and more sensitive sex, but we have a unique ability to graciously conquer challenges.

Installed in New York’s famous and highly charged male-dominated world of Wall Street on the eve of International Women’s Day 2017, The Fearless Girl sculpture was meant to bring awareness to gender diversity and encourage companies to recruit more women. I can see it bringing more than that. I can see it empowering young women to make a difference.

I find it quite inspirational to see this young girl feeling confident and strong enough to even fight a bull which represents power and strength.

I would love to see this street art, which is supposed to be a temporary feature, stay on display permanently facing the famous Charging Bull at Bowling Green.

“All women should relate to this work,” Kristen Visbal wrote “It should inspire the young to dream as if anything were possible and simultaneously encourage today’s working woman to hold her ground, no matter what challenges may come barreling down the pike.”